film short reviews - Eagle Eye / Ghostbusters / Babylon AD
The film is nothing special. No special features. I will not bring these standardized phrase a la "Everything schonmal seen," but the idea is a natural. Does not matter though, because: The movie is fun! Are all a very long nose Koolen moment where you just once then opens his mouth in astonishment and chop, then it also goes further again. Entertaining the film is all. While it is not clear at the beginning of what all this is to clarify the law later good, but well-known (SPOILER: SPOILER END keyword Skynet) and the thought: "Aha, it was clear!" is a gentle, but the staging of the end and even the whole stylistic garb of the film, peppered with many very good small ideas that make the film worth seeing.
Conclusion: Many good ideas combined to average a good story with its venerable action.
8.0 out of 10.0 points
As someone who paid attention in film school: Not predictable, you can not make a tension. Beautiful, the film bristles with Kool and above all fun details that it is a joy to film, despite its age, to see. A very nice fireworks of mischief, black humor and a very peculiar shape of the action - but must be, too: After all, here is fighting against ghosts!
Conclusion: Highly entertaining OldSkool strip with incredibly stupid but funny sayings and funny action parts. Biggest drawback: Women's hairstyles of the 80s = D
8.0 out of 10.0 points
I like Zukunfsszenarios as shown here. I like Vin Diesel
Koolen as action heroes.
I like twilight client.
escorts I like. ... Well well, I've never worried about me made escorts if I like or dislike. I rather think that my escorts no matter. The film plays with quite a few interesting factors that all have an absolute hit potential and work individually really very good. However, the film is not really of a piece and the discharge end of the film reveals itself to me not a hundred percent. Somehow this is from a certain point no longer understandable and some scenes are really absolute top class (eg. the scene where the helicopter the car in front of the monastery throws), and other scenes are mediocre Action Standard (eg: the scene with the snow mobiles) . The film caused in me an emotional roller coaster ride, so he simply missing the good stuff really good movie (8.0 points in my rating) and above all, anyway. Entertaining, the film nevertheless, and who likes the same things that I have listed at the top in short, is always in good hands.
Conclusion: Vin Diesel is making a film many things broken and people flat. In places great style, sometimes subtly outdated and inappropriate incorporated into the film.
seen by 10.0 points, 7.5
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